
 hi \i am  qayoom how r u
Installation of word press on linux. Step yum update
Configure Apache with index,html and index.php Step1: Install Apache Step2:Check status Step 3 Check on browser.   Step4: Now set up Apache virtual host on Ubuntu keenable@isgec:~$ sudo mkdir -p /var/www/ Step5 Edit index.html in public_html folder,with following config. =========================== <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang= "en" dir= "ltr" > <head> <meta charset= "utf-8" > <title>Welcome to</title> </head> <body> <h1>Success! home page!</h1> </body> </html> =========================== Step6:create virtual host keenable@isgec:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ sudo vim ============================ <VirtualHost *: 80 > ServerName ServerAlias ServerAdmin DocumentRoo
Create PPPOE(DSL) Connection on Linux I had faced lot of hurdle while setting pppoe connection on Ubuntu 18.4LTs. interesting thing is that not found any reliable link on google for that,here is step wise detail of setting dsl connection on Linux Prerequisites: ANI is my service provider Connection name is provide by ISP Username and password provided by ISP (ANI) IP and domain  also provide by ISP Step 1create connection name: keenable@xxx:~$ nmcli con edit type pppoe con-name ANI Step2: Add user name. nmcli> set pppoe.username aa0003@elixir Step3:nmcli> set pppoe.password  xxxxx step:Add service  nmcli> set pppoe.servicename ANI Step4:set ip in network>ani>setting Step5: check the user name and other detail.and edit In ipv4 we can provide ip and domain which provided by isp
Colorful Linux Terminal I have created  a script to send report on daily basis,but management  want some of the line  colorful , As always believe "zaroorat aijad ki maa hai" so  I get tips of colorful terminal, following are the point. =================================== Color code in linux. Black 0 ; 30 Dark Gray 1 ; 30 Red 0 ; 31 Light Red 1 ; 31 Green 0 ; 32 Light Green 1 ; 32 Brown / Orange 0 ; 33 Yellow 1 ; 33 Blue 0 ; 34 Light Blue 1 ; 34 Purple 0 ; 35 Light Purple 1 ; 35 Cyan 0 ; 36 Light Cyan 1 ; 36 Light Gray 0 ; 37 White 1 ; 37 ==================================================== type of color sequence: 3/4 bit 8 bit 24 bit  ==================== Modes: color-mode 0 reset 1; lighter than normal 2; darker than normal  =============== text-mode 3; italic 4; underline 5; b
 Docker Volume before going into docker volume lets clear docker file system first. The Docker File System A Docker image is a collection of read-only layers. When we launch a container from an image, Docker adds a read-write layer to the top of that stack of read-only layers. Docker calls this the "Union File System" . Any time a file is changed, Docker makes a copy of the file from the read-only layers up into the top read-write layer. This leaves the original (read-only) file unchanged.  When a container is deleted, that top read-write layer is lost. This means that any changes made after the container was launched are now gone. ====================================== What is docker volume A Docker volume keep outside the container, on the host machine. From the container, the volume use like a folder which we can use to store and retrieve data. It is simply a mount point to a directory on the host.  ====================================== Create docker volume Docker
Docker file component.  Docker file created with the name of "Docker-file"below are the component it is not necessary to write component in case sensitive,but we should writ in capital. Component. FROM LABEL RUN CMD EXPOSE ENV ADD or COPY ENTRYPOINT VOLUME USER WORKDIR ONBUILD