
Docker file component.  Docker file created with the name of "Docker-file"below are the component it is not necessary to write component in case sensitive,but we should writ in capital. Component. FROM LABEL RUN CMD EXPOSE ENV ADD or COPY ENTRYPOINT VOLUME USER WORKDIR ONBUILD                      
How to Recover deleted files in Linux I had delete a folder from linux,but it was an important folder,so I try hard to recovered and failed,but never quit to R & D about the concept,after I found some tool, We will recover deleted file and folder with lsof,but it not recover those file and folder deleted with -r,after lot of R & D i found some tool,below are the tool for recovery.   1.Test-disk utility 2.extundelete 3.scalpel 4.autopsy and most reliable of all these is 5.Foremost we can use them with the help of google,
Cron Job in Linux   I got very confused and got lot problem while running cron job,also not found proper structure on google so decide to writ my experience,below are step wise cron job. minute: * * * * * /etc/postfix/ This script run every minute */5 * * * * /bin/bash /root/ this script run every five minute #*/57 * * * * /bin/bash /root/ this script run on 57 minute hour. 0 * * * * run at every hour  0 23 * * * /bin/bash /root/ this script run at 11 pm day 15 15 15 * * This will run at 3:15 on every 15 days 15 15 L * * This will run on 3:15 of every last day of month   10 0 1 * * /bin/bash /root/ this script run at 12,10  am night 1st day of month month 15 15 15 11 *   This will run on November,15 at 3:15   Day of week 15 15 * * 1-6 this will run  from Monday to Saturday, at 3:15   
Difference between IDE and Framework before differentiate IDE and Framework lets clear other concept first. Platform A Platform  is a hardware and software on which s software is develop or build For example,Windows,Mac,Linux BSD,vmware  etc Library   A library refers to code that provides functions that we can call from our own code to deal with common tasks.  API   Application programming interface,it is an interface between server and a client This term refers to the “face” of the library, SDK This is a complete kit of software development tools for a specific platform,kit include Libraries, APIs, IDE, Documentation, android development tool kit IDE it is an application which is used to developing, compiling and debugging applications. eg Eclipse, Visual Studio, and Intel Ii Framework   A collection of different libraries and api which is reusable,it is a software or a tool eg, Hibernate, Struts and Spring
TCP Sockets     TCP Socket is also called virtual port,are used in tcp and udp communication,hey are called 'virtual ports' because a single physical connector can serve multiple connections. Each side of a socket connection uses its own port number, which does not change during the life of that connection. IP ADDRESS + Port No = Socket
IP Tables Firewall in Linux IP Tables is a firewall that plays an essential role in network security for most Linux systems The packet filtering mechanism provided by iptables is organized into three different kinds of structures: tables, chains and targets ========>The default table is the filter table =======>The default policy is also a target. By default, all chains have a default policy of allowing packets. ======>A target decides the fate of a packet, such as allowing or rejecting it. =========================================== IP Table configuration tool: e.g., fwbuilder, bastille and ufw =================================== Ip table main file: /etc/sysconfig/iptables ==================================================== Tables There are  three tables.     Filter         Rules to modify the packets         This is the default and perhaps the most widely used table. It is used to make decisions about whether a packet should be allowed to      reach its  de
AWS Guide AWS Services and lists Following are the topic which need to cover while appearing for AWS different certification.I will try to discuss every topic in detail in future,these are the AWS services as well ,AWS ec2 and AWS s3 are the mostly used services of end of this topic i have given AWS link which need to follow for further,reference. ======>Aws compute services============= 1.AWS elastic compute cloud(ec2) 2.AWS batch 3.AWS elastic container register y(ecr) elastic container services(ecs) 5.AWS elastic beanstalk 6.AWS lambda 7.AWS sericesless application model(sam) ====>AWS storage services=========== s3 2.AWS block storage(ebs) file storage(efs) glacier snowball storage gateway =====>AWS db services====== aurora dynamo db elastic ache RDS Redshift =========>aws networking content delivery===== API gateway cloud front 3